SW-RP1 Seawall Repair Material

Repairs leaking cracks in the seawall. Stabilizes surrounding soil. Permanently strengthens and repairs soil damage. Prevents future erosion. Stronger than crystalline bedrock. Safe for the environment.

Seawall Cap Repair

Employ high-strength epoxy and concrete repair materials. This process restores strength and integrity to the structure.

Hydrostatic Pressure Control

Automatically removes any future water that builds up behind the seawall. Unchecked water build-up causes hydrostatic pressure which cracks and damages even the strongest seawalls.

Seawall Anchoring System

When needed, steel tie-backs are installed to prevent future movement of the seawall in high-risk sections. The tie-backs lock into load-bearing solid soil behind the wall.


How will you repair my seawall?

will the repair process damage my property?

will the repair be expensive?

do you repair all types of seawalls? (concrete, wood, vinyl, etc.)

how long have you been repairing seawalls?

Trusted seawall repair in the tri-state area.

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